Tag Archives: Florida Landlord-Tenant Disputes

Commercial Landlords & Tenant Bankruptcy
Tenants filing for bankruptcy is less of an issue for residential landlords, but an increasingly frustrating problem for commercial landlords as we get further into 2018. As a result, it is important—now more than ever—that commercial landlords know what their rights are when it comes to how tenant bankruptcy affects lease agreements. Rules: Before… Read More »

Landlords & Homeowners Association Dealing With Objectionable Conduct
There have been a number of disputes around the country of late between landlords and homeowners associations and tenants/homeowners of late over what rights homeowners have to display particular items; for example, flags that others may find offensive. As a result, we thought we would provide some background on what rights both landlords and… Read More »

Courts Allowing Video Surveillance in Landlord-Tenant Disputes
As the Wall Street Journal reported this month, video evidence has emerged as a powerful tool in housing court battles, especially in exposing tenants who have fraudulently claimed rent-controlled apartments as primary residences in order to pass those rights onto relatives in violation of the law. As a result, courts have recently upheld the… Read More »