Tampa Divorces And Witness Statements

The majority of divorces are settled through a negotiation process. Often there are some issues that the individuals themselves are able to agree upon, and when areas of dispute arise spouses turn to the support and guidance of skilled lawyers and mediators. Crafting a divorce agreement without heading to court is a lot less expensive and faster than litigating the dispute.
That said, if you believe a legal fight is required in order for you to connect with the divorce agreement you need, share your objectives with a Tampa family law attorney so a path forward can be developed. While witnesses aren’t always required, there are situations when a character witness or an expert witness will strengthen an individual’s position.
Understanding the Differences Between Character and Expert Witnesses
When a divorce dispute involves a character witness or an expert witness, there is often a fight surrounding custody issues or information about adultery or cruelty that one or both parties want to come to light. These witnesses are professionals, family members are considered too biased to serve as a witness in divorce cases.
- Character witness. This could be a neighbor or professional who interacts with the family regularly, such as a childcare center employee or babysitter. An individual who can provide information about the character of the spouses.
- Expert witness. A professional who has expertise in the area they are speaking to, such as a forensic accountant providing a witness statement about hidden assets.
All witnesses are typically compensated for their time, so while contested divorces are already more expensive than uncontested divorces, costs escalate further with the use of witnesses.
There are pros and cons to using witnesses. An advantage is that they may make your goals more attainable, such as shining a light on hidden assets to ensure that you will be able to have those funds distributed in the final divorce agreement. In that situation, the cost of a witness and going to court could mean a much larger financial amount is available to you. Cons include the time involved and the possibility of the other attorney discrediting your witness for one reason or another.
Have a Seasoned Attorney Review Your Case
When you hire a Tampa family law attorney, you are connecting with a professional who will advise you on if an uncontested divorce is in reach or if court will be part of the process. And if you do go to court, a lawyer can determine if calling witnesses will be advantageous to your post-divorce life objectives.
Your situation is not the same as that of your friend or family member who navigated the divorce process. Each divorce is unique. Have a legal team review your case so your best interests can be protected.
Are you intrigued by the possibility of using a character or expert witness? Divorce can be incredibly difficult, but compassionate legal professionals can guide you through areas of dispute. Lean on over 40 years of combined experience, talk to the attorneys at HD Law Partners. Call 813-964-7878 to schedule a free consultation.