Florida Business Owners And Premise Liability

There are many details to manage when you are running a business. Even starting a business at all is a leap of faith as one study reports approximately half of new businesses fail, specifically closing within five years of opening their doors. Just as there is a lot that goes into running a thriving business, there are oodles of reasons why businesses fail, from poor leadership to high competition.
But there are things you can do to straighten your chances of staying open, including making good management choices. Part of this is understanding premise liability and having enough insurance to protect you if an accident occurs in your place of business. To learn more about steps you can take to shield your business and all of the hard work, time, and financial support you have put into your organization, talk to a Florida private security liability attorney.
Injury Risks and Premise Liability
When people frequent your business, business owners need to be sure they have done what they can to reduce injury risks. Because if someone is hurt, and management or owner negligence can be proven, the business will be liable for damages.
Basic things that could help protect you and your business from legal action:
- Perform regular inspections. Maintaining a business property is part of the process, including monitoring for any conditions that are unsafe, such as chipped pavement, torn rugs, or wet floors that could lead to a trip, slip, or fall.
- Fix problems. Then, if your or someone on your team does notice an issue, correct the danger. If the issue can’t be repaired immediately, set up warnings for business visitors, such as signs alerting the public to the risk and blocking the area off from use.
Slip and fall events are the most common type of premise liability claim brought against businesses. If a claim is brought forward, premise liability insurance can alleviate some of the financial strain that comes with a slip and fall accident claim. Understanding your coverage is essential, because there are limitations. For example, a policy may pay for the expenses of the injured party but may not reimburse the business for their expenses in connection with the claim.
Connect with a Legal Professional
As a Florida business owner, you do have a responsibility to provide a safe environment to guests and visitors. But if you do not have time to learn all of the laws connected to premise liability, simply connect with a Florida private security liability attorney. An experienced lawyer can guide you through the process of protecting yourself and your livelihood.
Are you a Florida business owner who could use legal guidance? To understand all of the legal matters that need attention and be sure you are carrying the right amount of insurance, talk to the legal team at HD Law Partners. Our lawyers have guided business owners through legal issues and have represented individuals who were hurt while frequenting a business, so we thoroughly understand premise liability law and know what you need to do to shield yourself from future disputes. Call 813-964-7878 to schedule a free consultation.