Calculating Damage For Hurricanes In Florida

Florida, like Texas and Puerto Rico, has been through a busy hurricane season that has been extremely difficult on residents: just as of September, there were five major hurricanes ranked at category three or higher in strength, 13 named storms, and eight hurricanes total in the Atlantic.
Hurricane Irma caused multi-billion-dollar losses, which includes approximately $20 billion in wind damage in Florida alone. Estimates for flood damage still have not been estimated, although the Office of Insurance Regulation documented more than $5 billion in private insurance claims for flooding and wind. A whopping 47 out of 67 of Florida’s counties were part of the disaster declaration.
Higher Rates, Permanently
Due to insurance deductibles, it is still unclear just how much Florida property owners will have to shoulder on their own. In addition, there is no question that impacts from this year’s storms will have an effect on private insurance rates. The last estimate indicated that 773,000 private insurance claims were filed due to Irma alone; this includes close to 99,000 for Miami-Dade, more than 63,000 in Broward County, close to 63,000 in Orange County, and almost 60,000 in Lee County.
Unfortunately, this will not just affect insurance rates: FPL has already announced that they will seek permission to charge customers a surcharge on electricity in order to cover the $1.3 billion spent on restoring power after the storm.
Federal Assistance
Aside from private insurance claims, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, National Flood Insurance Program, and U.S. Small Business Administration have approved more than $1 billion for Floridians harmed by Irma. This includes grants to cover some damages that are not covered by insurance. The deadline to apply for this assistance is November 9th.
We are Here to Help You Today
If you have damage after one of the many hurricanes or storms that have hit Florida, you will want to work with professionals in order to ensure that you file your claim correctly and increase your chances of receiving assistance with making yourself whole again. This is the best way to protect your rights after a devastating storm.
At HD Law Partners, we strive to do just that: with offices in Orlando, Sarasota, and Tampa, we serve clients all over Florida when it comes to receiving help with hurricane-related claims. Contact us today to find out more and learn how we can help you throughout each step of your case.