Understanding Your Rights And Occupational Disease

Occupational diseases are illnesses that are directly connected to a person’s employment and the job tasks they perform at work. So, while it is common for coworkers to catch a cold or flu from one another, that is not an occupational disease. But being exposed to a harsh chemical that causes illness when precautionary steps should have been taken could be deemed occupational. Additionally, harm caused by repetitive tasks could be deemed an occupational disease when a person is diagnosed with trigger finger or carpal tunnel syndrome. Individuals who have experienced hearing loss due to industrial noise have also accessed benefits.
Illness tied to the nature of work can lead to hospital visits and long term treatment plans. Some find themselves facing high medical expenses and an inability to work for weeks or months. To determine what your options are when it comes to financial recovery, talk to a Tampa personal injury attorney. Often workers’ compensation is a path to compensation, but in other cases a personal injury lawsuit is another course of action.
Hazardous Conditions and Unsafe Workplaces
If you were exposed to dangerous contaminants in the air at work or were poisoned by radiation or lead at your place of employment, you should seek out your legal options as you may be facing long-term health complications. And ongoing medical care comes at a high cost.
Often workers’ compensation policies are a path to recovery as they were created for the protection of both employees and employers. Employers are protected from lawsuits and employees are able to access the care they need to heal, along with wages to support their families. That said, there are still situations in which litigation is possible. Connect with an attorney to explore your settlement options.
Seeing a Healthcare Provider
However you plan to access funds, through compensation benefits or through a settlement offer, your illness or injury will need to be documented. Seeing a doctor and having them provide you with a diagnosis and establish a treatment plan for you is essential, for your own health and your ability to collect damages later.
There are many calculations that need to be made when benefits and settlements are established. For example, it is common for workers’ comp to pay out wage compensation at two-thirds of an employee’s normal income level. There are unique elements that could come into play, talk to a Tampa personal injury attorney to learn more.
Do you believe your health issue or illness is due to your employer not providing you with a safe work environment? Mulling over compensation options, from workers’ comp to personal injury legal action, can be overwhelming but there are professionals who can assist you through the process. Talk over the details of your situation with the aggressive legal team at HD Law Partners. Our team will assess your documentation and share with you next steps. We are committed to fighting for your right to a full and fair compensation amount. Call 813-964-7878 to schedule a free consultation.